GMVL Vol 43 - Dr. Sawa

GMVL Vol 43 - Dr. Sawa

Now you can enjoy Japan's prolific magician without leaving your home. Dr. Sawa follows the distinguished tradition of Tenkai and Shigeo Takagi but adds a modern-day twist to his presentations. his delightful magic has earned him a reputation around the world as a great practitioner. His methods for SAWAP ESP and SAWAP MONTE alone are worth the price of this dvd. Dr. Sawa provides thorough explanations with translation help from Max maven. This dvd was recorded on location on Shizuoka, Japan.

Dr. Sawa's Miracles

Rescue Rope
Vending Machine Coins
heads or Tails
Submarine coins
Coins Through Hand
Facsimile Card
Mosquito Card
UFO Rope*
*Not explained

Running Time Approximately 1hr 24min

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GMVL Vol 43 - Dr. Sawa